GuruShot I
One week ago I finished my 52 weeks challenge project which I started in 2020, where I was posting every week 10 of my photos . Some off them where new photos I was taking some of them were from the past years. Because I am stuck on a boat since the pandemic I was lucky, I had with me almost all of my hard drives with my photos from last 10 years and so I had a fantastic time going through them and it really helped me with Covid time.
Organising my Lightroom brought fantastic memories of the last decade. It had very nostalgic and sentimental moments.
I would like to thank all for the nice words and encouragement as it kept me going. We are all going through a difficult time and everyone is trying to find a method, how to copy with it. For me it was my photography, I put head phones on with an audiobook, a podcast or music and I cut myself off from the world. For a moment I could forget about what is going on and let myself get lost in my photos.
For the past week I was thinking what next, and this idea came to me while I was listening to a fantastic audiobook ‘Atomic habits” by James Clear.
As the title says this book is about habits and how to create good ones.
We all have things we want to start doing, but tend to put them off for another day. According to James you can combine something you really like together with an activity you want to create. Such as
I always wanted to improve my writing in English. During my 52 weeks challenge I got a number of comments asking for information about the photos, where were they taken, the people, my feelings, etc…
So now I have decided to write about my photography.
Here is my idea for next year.
-every month I will write about my favourite photographer, why do I like
them and in my opinion their 10 best photos,
-every 4 weeks I will have a new project,
-every 4 weeks I will post 7 or more of my favourite photos which I took this month and I will write about them,
-since December 2020 I have belonged to GuruShots, which is a playground for people who love photography, You can compete in matches solo or you can team up and take challenges with your team, which is a lot of fun. I love my team as we talk about our photos, our life, they are my new virtual friends. I have become even more motivated and inspired after downloading this app.
So every month I will write about my photos I uploaded on the GuruShots platform and about my achievements.
This month I will write about April.
For the month of April I was awarded 3 Guru Picks which is just unbelievable.
A Guru pick means that the Guru who created the challenge with thousands of photos submitted voted for your photo as one of the Best.
The feet photo below I called “Lost in the sand” I took it in 2017 in St.Johns, USVI, an American Island in the Caribbean, a National Park and Marine reserve, which makes snorkelling one of the best, and I was trying to take photos of fish
I created this photo for my reflexology business card. It won a Guru pick in a match called “Something different”.

This photo I took in Switzerland. I just love this S shape road. My favourite season is summer but the colours and the quality of the light of autumn can be magical, this photo had all the right elements. I won a Guru pick for this photo in a match called “Grassy Spots”.

This last photo I absolutely love, the lighting and the tones are fantastic. And I am so happy that this photo won another Guru Pick in a match called “Flowers in B&W”.

And the most amazing thing is that my photo was exhibited in April 2021 in the prestigious Laurent Gallery in Melbourne, Australia.
As shown in the photos below marked with a red circle.

“Running Boys” from 2019, St.Martin was taken while I was walking on the beach and saw a group of children playing in the water, it was amazing to see them without phones, just running, playing and laughing.

And now a few photos I uploaded in April to my Guru Shots album.
When Larry and I stay for the summer in the French Alps we buy chickens from the farmers market for egg laying.
Mrs White was getting broody and had been sitting on her unfertilised eggs for days on end, hardly eating, waiting for them to hatch which of course they never would. So we decided to go and get some day old chicks and during the night when Mrs.White was asleep we placed the chicks next to her so that they could crawl under neath her. All night we couldn’t sleep wondering if in the morning we would find she has rejected them or worst still killed them.But instead we couldn’t believe our eyes.

Trinidad 2012 I stayed one week at my friend’s house, it was one of by best weeks in the Caribbean. Trinis know how to lime (party). I had never partied like that in my life. One day my friend’s aunt took me to an amazing waterfall in the middle of the jungle.It was a very spiritual place.

Thirsty bees, another photo from Trinidad, it was so dry that the poor bees couldn’t find water to drink. We poured water in a bowl and in a second we had hundreds flying all around us.

May 2021